• Duration

    36 Weeks

  • Ages


    Ancient World History

    Explore the world the way it was, from the beginning to the Resurrection!

    Frequently asked questions

    What grade level is this course for?

    This course was designed so that students of all ages could learn together, especially those around 10-14 years old. There are different activity ideas for elementary and middle school students. There are also more challenging suggestions for high school students who wish to enroll in this course. 

    Do I need to buy a separate textbook?

    You will not need to buy a specific textbook. Much of the information you need will be found within the course player. In addition, you will need to do research either online or in a library to find information you need. A large portion of the class is answering questions and asking your own. I will give some recommendation regarding books and sources that might be useful to you. One of the most important parts of studying any topic is to realize there are a variety of sources to go to for answers, and some of these sources will contradict each other. It's up to you and your parent/teacher to evaluate the material and form your own opinions.

    There is an optional book that is referenced often during Units corresponding to Biblical or Jewish history, called Children's Bible. I give information during the first week's lessons about this one, but you could also use nearly any children's bible story book and look up the corresponding stories. 

    Is this course written from a religious perspective?

    This is a history course. Anyone who studies history will see that religion has been a prominent part of every society since the beginning of mankind. Increasingly, historians have discovered that one of the most reliable sources of historical information is the Bible. We will use other traditional sources for historical study as well. While the instructor of this course does, in fact, believe the Bible to be the source for religious truth as well as historical knowledge, this is a history course covering the time period commonly referred to as "Biblical Time," We will be using other traditional sources for historical study as well, including other ancient writings, artwork, geography, modern scholarly research, etc.

    Course contents

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